Friday, October 18, 2019

Catholic Charities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Catholic Charities - Essay Example The paper "Catholic Charities" describes Cafod organization. Being a Catholic charity, it has some characteristics, which make it distinctive. It follows Catholic social teaching, which members look upon as authoritative, whether depending upon global statements made by the papacy, or by synods or national conferences of bishops. These are considered to require a response from the wider Catholic community as they put their faith into positive action. Although based upon unchanging principles, the seeking of justice for all for example. Cafod also allows itself to be affected in its decisions and actions by new ideas about such things as human rights, as set out for instance in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as produced by the United Nations. It also responds to the changing world - new as well as long standing social, economic and political actualities. This includes such simple things as encouraging parishes and individual parishioners to use and promote Fair Trade goods. People can become a member of parliament correspondent – basically keeping their member of parliament informed about Cafod activities, campaigns and injustices that the organization is aware of. Catholics are also encouraged to leave legacies to the organization. Cafod personnel contribute to important reports which are produced, and which may and should lead to action on the part of governments, and even international organizations, such as that on Aids in Africa from Unaids Facts and Figures.

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