Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Languages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Languages - Essay Example Language assumes many forms the most common of which is the spoken language which human beings used because they have the brain structure and vocal tracts to do it. Other members of the animal kingdoms also use other forms of communications. Language is not only limited to the spoken language. Animals can also communicate with each other by sounds to survive. The vervets utter and respond to sounds appropriately in order to avoid predators. Animals mode of language is not only limited to sounds. They could also use symbols. Bonobos for example communicate with each other using road signs built of smashed plants. Most animals communicate through sounds and symbols but there are also indications that animals could also understand languages just like human does. There are indications that other animals could also learn to understand languages just like human beings. Studies were made with baboons if they could communicate using a keyboard of 400 symbols and found that they could learn to understand languages just human beings. Study showed that baboon can pick up words in a normal conversation. Researcher found Kanzi’s (a baboon) â€Å"understanding of new sentences to be about equal to that of a two-and-a-half-year-old-child. Noam Chomsky may disagree with this perspective saying that animals does not have the brain structure. Studies however showed that with the aid of keyboard, baboons can also communicate just like human beings albeit it is limited. Other animals learn language just like human beings although not as complex as our spoken words. Language can indeed assume many modes and forms because communication is necessary for living things not only to survive but to understand each other. Language comes in many forms because it is necessary for survival just like the vervets who need to communicate to avoid their predators. They are also

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