Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Change Management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Change Management - Coursework Example cause of the aspect that changes in necessary in business on a continuous basis in order to move in parallel with the ever changing demands of the customers, stakeholders and the overall external environment. It provides competitive advantage for business units in the marketplace allowing the business to develop itself effectively and quickly (DeBruijn, 2011). As in the provided case, it is evident that Know Inform (KI) is a particular organization that is integrally associated with change management towards proper execution of the business functioning. In order to ensure successful change management proper planning, efficient workforce, strict governance, and committed leadership is deemed to be quite crucial. Correspondingly, in this particular study, focus would be levied on understanding the concept of change management prevalent in the company presented within the case example. The essay is also intended towards discussing the characteristics of the company with regard to change situation and how their leadership skill contributed towards managing this workplace change (Creasey, 2007). In order to deal with the prevailing problems with regard to acceptance to change, the management of the business has emerged with several key measures that would be crucial to discuss. In this regard, several change management models can be taken into consideration to have a better comprehension at large. The model to be implemented within the organisation has mentioned about the strategy of changes that can be regarded as applicable by the organisation with regard to the scenario of change management. The management has been quite clear with regard to the criteria of change that has taken place in the organisation. In this regard, the Kurt Lewin Change Management model can be taken into consideration. According to the model, change in location is quite crucial in the present day business and it influences the business in any industry sector. However, there might develop

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